Monday, February 18, 2013

House Sale Frustration, Weekend Recap & Confession Time

I'm going to start by saying this. How the hell do people make it through selling a house without completely losing their shit? My house has been on the market for almost 7 months now, and I am beyond over it. I am becoming a helicopter mom, constantly behind Sweet P "clean that up" "don't mess that up" "no, that's too messy to play with". Ugh. And don't get me started on getting animals moved out for showings. I'm to the point of putting them all up for adoption (animals, not Sweet P lol) to avoid the hassle (don't judge - it's hard!). Anyway - if anyone out there in blogland knows someone in VA looking for a quaint little home in the outskirts of the Richmond area, send them my way! Isn't it CUTE?! My master suite is amazeballs - my awesome hubby built the addition himself, and is over 300 sq ft!
My PRESH house. BUY ME!

Moving on. Weekend recap? House showings. Birthday dinner for my hubs on Friday night. Saturday workout (SCORE). LAZY day Sunday. I probably should have taken some time to get in a workout, but I was exhausted. Plus Sweet P asked if we could have a girls day coloring and watching movies on the sofa together in our jammies. How do I say no? I don't. I did get one thing accomplished. I gave my shih-tzu a way overdue haircut. OMG.

I estimate at least a pound of hair. I exaggerate not.

I have a confession. I am scared. I have been doing the C25K app from my iPhone. Well, I am due to run week 5, day 3 next. I've been avoiding it. I'm a chicken-shit. It's a 5 minute warmup walk, then run 20 minutes straight. 20 minutes. I don't know if I can do it! I'm trying to build myself up to getting it done this evening. How do I get out of this negative self-talk nonsense? This fear is holding me back...

I hope everyone out there had a great weekend. Let's grab this week by the horns and really accomplish big things! (i.e. a 20 minute straight run. YIKES)

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