Monday, March 11, 2013

Catching Up & a Weekend Recap!

Hi. My name is Traci. And I'm a blog-slacker.

Last week was cray. Seriously. I hardly had time to come up for air all week last week at work. Today started out that way too, but I'm breathing now. Eating, though, has been going great believe it or not. That's a success all on it's own because normally, stress=eating crap. I haven't exercised as much as I'd like, but I haven't done too badly.

A goal I've set for myself this week is cutting some of my "crap calories" - who needs the junk, really? So "clean" is the trendy term, and I can't say that's my real goal here. But I do want to clean up the act a little. Partially because I found myself in the car after a quick Kroger stop on Friday with a little pint of Starbucks Java Chip ice cream. How did that get in my bag? <blush> I didn't eat any until Saturday night, and I only had a SERVING. Not the pint. :)

So get this. I know last week I was whining about how unorganized I am. So I made this great custom planner. I took some time to search some blogs and the amazing time-suck world of Pinterest (seriously, where does time go once you start pinning?), and found some great printables, and wandered around Hobby Lobby for paper and creativeness. About $10 later, I have something really comparable to those expensive Erin Condren life planners! Printables were courtesy of iheartorganizing and the nest effect. It was fun :)

My weekend was amazeballs.We missed Hubs all weekend because he was working, but Sweet P and I had a blast doing some super fun stuff. Her t-ball season started Saturday, and I'm assistant coaching. All I can say is those kids have energy for days. After that, we did some things around the house then went 4-wheeling with some friends. Yes, we are country. Don't hate. Look at this cutie!

She had a friend spend the night with her Saturday night, then we got up in the morning for a SURPRISE. I had planned with another mom to surprise our girls by meeting at the movies to go see Oz the Great and Powerful. Now, I know I haven't said this before, but my girl is a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan. It started when she was 2, and continues to this day (she'll be 6 in August *tear*). She flipped her lid! The movie was amazing though, and I highly recommend it. The special effects alone are worth the trip!

After she found out what the surprise was - so happy!
Anyway, enough rambling. That's my weekend recap y'all! Happy Monday...

Oh and BTW, if you didn't catch Justin Timberlake on SNL this weekend, find a way to see it. PERFECTION.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quityerbitchin' ... For reals.

Wow. Can I just say it has been SO hectic the past 2 weeks. I really believe I'm creating the hectic-ness (is that a word?) myself, but geez. I'm slacking on the blog front - but more importantly, on the healthy lifestyle front. Time to snap back into it.

I'm searching now for organization tips. I feel like I'm running around crazy every morning trying to get everything done and get Sweet P out the door, and I look around my house before I leave for work and it looks like a tornado hit it. How is that possible when I've only been up for an hour and a half?

Hubby started a new job last week, and it's hard getting used to him not being there in the mornings (he leaves before 6am). It will be nice though, once we get settled into this routine, because he gets home between 3:30 and 4:00, and I can start enlisting his help with dinner prep! Therein lies my issue...I can't get MYSELF organized enough to even try to get that going. I swear, a few weeks ago I was on a roll with being organized, meal planning, etc. etc. Now I'm struggling to even roll out of bed on time.

Anyway - enough whining. I know things could be worse. I've been hearing a lot of friends on Facebook talking about losses of friends and relatives. It's getting too close to home - and I really need to be more thankful for what we do have, instead of griping about these so-called problems.

SO - This is my moment I'm going to proclaim I'm CHANGING my attitude!

I'm going to take some time today and tonight, and get my head wrapped around what it is I need to do to change my path. I've lost 13 pounds, people! No need to backslide now... I don't want to end up back where I was or worse. And I do realize that if I don't change now, I'll do just that.

Thanks for listening to me bitch and moan today - look for a new focus tomorrow :)