Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting Into a Workout Routine

So. Here we are... Day 2 of blog land. How exciting to get all of 7 page views... I need ideas on driving people to my blog. If someone out there in the blogosphere is reading this, and has ideas...PLEASE share!

Anyway - I said I was going to wake up and run this morning. Did I, you ask? Negative. I way overslept. I even had to call my mom in to the rescue to take my Sweet P (my little) to school! (PS - how stinkin' cute is she <<< - Today was "Dress for Success Day" and she is totally rockin' that zebra print!) I have positives and negatives about owning a memory foam mattress. Positive - It is the most comfortable mattress I've ever slept on. Negative - It is the most comfortable mattress I've ever slept on, and that makes it 100 billionty times harder to get my ass out bed in the mornings. *sad face*

On a positive note though - a girlfriend of mine has a humongous garage (I'm talking the size of my house people). Her hubby agreed to giving up a corner of it for a "home gym"!!

Rockin' - Right??

While I have a gym membership, I can't always get there. Her having this helps b/c I can come home, fix dinner, get Sweet P ready for bed and school the next day, and my Hubs can get her in bed and I can head to her house. Tonight is the first night! She used to be a HUGE gym rat before getting married and having kids. So I'm a little intimidated but not so much. She is in the same boat as me we're even. And motivating each other is going to rock.

I'm off to do a little work, and maybe look into how to get more traffic to this lil' weight loss journey blog!

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous of that garage! What an awesome friend to have. :)
